Mt. Olivet Missions and Community Assistance Agencies
Mt. Olivet has a long-standing tradition of service within the community.
From our Women's Guild, to our youth groups; we find opportunities to help our fellow neighbor.
Below are community service agencies that help families within our area. The church is located in Mahoning County, but we have included help lines for Columbiana County, as well. If you know of an organization that should be on our list, please let us know! If there is something that you still need help with, let us know, and we will try find you an answer.

South Range Council of Church & Community (3Cs)
A mission of the North Lima community churches
Food Distribution on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 2-4 or until supplies run out.
Located at: The Old School Marketplace - 11836 South Ave. North Lima, OH 44452
NOTE: The Gate Church does not run 3Cs. Please do not call them for information about the Food Distribution.
No residency requirements or ID required. If you have need of food, you are welcome here.
Please arrive to pick up your food with your trunk or truck bed cleared of items.
Drive-thru only.

Second Harvest Food Bank of the Mahoning Valley
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:30pm (330) 792-5522
This organization distributes food at mobile sites throughout the Mahoning, Columbiana, and Trumbull county areas. Visit their website or Facebook page for mobile distribution dates, times, and other information.
To find the pantry nearest to you, please call the Help Network at # 211
or the numbers below:
Columbiana County: 330-747-2696 or 330-424-7767
Mahoning County: 330-747-2696
Trumbull County: 330-393-1565

The Lord's Blessing Food Pantry
Located in Washingtonville.
Hours by announcement on Facebook page.
Mobile food distributions in local communities will also be announced there.
(330) 941-0423 or lordsblessingpantry@gmail.com
Contact organization for qualification requirements.

Greenford Big Reach Center of Hope
Located in Greenford at Greenford Christian Church.
Hours by appointment on Thursdays 9am-12pm.
Registration requirements.
(330) 533-3278 (Option 2 for Big Reach Center of Hope, then x 501) or info@brcoh.org
Contact organization for qualification requirements. They also have clothing giveaways.

The Way Station
Located in Columbiana, East Palestine, and East Liverpool.
The Way Station exists as a community resource for families and individuals in need; our food pantry, monthly food distribution, job training, support groups and emergency assistance are just a few of the ways we work to reflect the love of Jesus!

The Brightside Project
Located in Salem - covers Salem residents for some programs and Columbiana county in others
234-320-4005 or scott@brightsideprojectohio.org
Programs designed to assist families with children. Many programs are available, see the website or contact the organization for more information.

Mahoning-Youngstown Community Action Partnership (MYCAP)
A county government agency that assists residents of Mahoning County.
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:30am-6pm
(330) 747-7921
Located at: 1325 5th Ave., Youngstown, OH 44504
MYCAP assists residents who income qualify with rent/mortgage depending on funding. As well, they also process requests for HEAP, PIPP, etc...with the state's energy assistance programs. They also provide supportive services for job searches and training. Contact their office or see their website for more information.

Community Action Agency of Columbiana County
A county government agency that assists residents of
Columbiana and surrounding counties.
Office Phone: (330) 424-4013
Located at: 7860 Lincole Pl., Lisbon, OH 44432
CCA assists residents who income qualify with rent/mortgage depending on funding. As well, they also process requests for HEAP, PIPP, etc...with the state's energy assistance programs.
They also provide supportive services for job searches and training, transportation services through CARTS, HEAD Start and more.
Contact their office or see their website for more information.

Protestant Family Service
A non-profit, religious organization that provides
assistance to people in need with low-income.
Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am-2pm
Phone: (330) 746-4600
Located at: 496 Glenwood Ave.,Youngstown, OH 44502
Those who qualify can be offered a variety of services, including rent/mortgage, utility, or food assistance. Contact the office for more information!

Rescue Mission of the Mahoning Valley
A non-profit organization that provides
shelter and meals to men, women and families.
Office Hours: open 24 hours a day
Phone: (330) 744-5486
Located at: 962 Martin Luther King Blvd.,Youngstown, OH 44510
The organization can provide workforce assistance, as well as provide spiritual guidance to those who seek it. Contact the office for more information!
Life can be challenging and everyone has problems they have to deal with.
Sometimes they get overwhelming and a person can feel alone and helpless.
If you have thoughts or plans to harm yourself, please reach out for help.
There are always solutions and there are people that can help you find them.
If you are a senior citizen, and you feel like you are in a dangerous situation,
there are also contacts listed below.
If you have been a victim of a crime and want to know what rights you have, there is a number below.
Suicide Hotline Contact Numbers
Mahoning County and Trumbull County
Columbiana County
East Palestine, Beloit, Sebring and Western Columbiana County:
Senior Line
Victims Of Crime Hotline
330-424-7767 or